Monday, March 12, 2012

Old post office counter

I got a very mysterious postcard the other day.
Well, the front is just a normal souvenir/tourist card, nothing mysterious whatsoever. It's the back...
That's all it says: "For your collection. Good Luck." I do appreciate the card and that someone took the time to mail it, but it makes me curious as to who they were. It was postmarked in Atlanta, GA, which is not far from where I live, and we pass through Charleston, SC on our way to my grandparent's house.

Today my mom and I went to the oral surgeon's (just for a consultation, I will need my wisdom teeth removed), and guess what their front counter was? It was and old front from a post office in Kansas! I really wish I had my camera! The post office was closed in the 1980's, I want to say 1987, but I'm not sure. The front looked quite a bit older though. It was wood, and had a frosted sliding glass window to separate the lobby from the back. To the left were the P.O. boxes, I'll chance a guess at about 30. They had combination locks on them, and little windows so you could see if there was anything inside! They were much prettier than the P.O. boxes at my post office, which are just plain silver metal with a keyhole.


  1. Well before you get all drugged up for the teeth pull - get us some photos :)

    1. I will try to remember my camera, but I might have other things on my mind!

    2. The old P.O. Boxes sound awesome. Good luck with your wisdom teeth. I have still not had mine pulled yet. I am a big baby when it comes to going to the dentist!

    3. They really were! Thanks. Haha I don't mind going to the dentist, but I'm a little nervous about this. I really don't have to get them out now, but they will probably end up hurting, so my mom thinks it's better to just get it over with. Maybe if you haven't had yours out yet, you won't need to!

    4. They actually say that I needed to have them out over 2 years ago or my teeth would hurt all the time. They really don't hurt ever, so I don't know haha!

  2. I want to see photos of those P.O. Boxes too! The ones at my post office are just plain silver ones.
    Good luck with the dentist :) As a kid I always loved to go to the dentist, now I think it's rather boring - I'll go there, sit down, open my mouth to have them say "Oh wonderful, all is fine!" and leave again. But I have to go there at least once a year because of health insurance instructions...
    Take care!

    1. Yeah, I wish my post office had fancy boxes!

      Haha, I used to like going to the dentist too. I don't mind it still, but it is rather boring. I have to go twice a year.
