Monday, March 5, 2012


I went shopping over the weekend, and found some really cool stores! The first stationary pack I had seen online before, and really liked. I was excited to find it in a store where I wouldn't have to pay shipping!

The Japanese notecards are based on little wooden Japanese dolls called kokeshi. Kokeshi dolls first appeared in northeast Japan during the Edo period (1603-1867). They were thought to have been sold to tourists visiting the hot springs. As they spread throughout Japan, different regions developed their own styles. All traditional kokeshi don't have arms or legs, have cylindrical bodies, and large round heads. They are painted now, but are thought originally to have been left unpainted.
traditional kokeshi
After WWII, creative kokeshi were developed. They have to restrictions on size, shape, or design. This type of kokeshi are more commonly found in cities.
creative kokeshi
I think the kokeshi dolls (and notecards!) are so cute!

Oh, and I decided to use my little Pride and Prejudice notebook to record all my ingoing and outgoing mail. Sometimes I forget if I've written a letter to someone new, or if I sent someone something already. I used the Missive Maven's post about how she keeps her mail notebooks as a guide. My entries look something like this:
Sent/Received 3/4/12 - if I got it in my P.O. Box/occasion (thank you, reply, etc.)
Name, location
- anything that was receive/sent with the letter


  1. I love that first letter set! Where did you buy it? :)

    1. I bought it at a small bookstore in Little Five Points, Atlanta, GA, after I had seen it on Amazon. Here's the link:
      I haven't used it yet, but I love it! There are 4 different sheets (4 of each design). Each envelope says "Post" on the front in a different font, and opens on the side!

    2. Hi Olivia! I think both of the stationery packs are cute. I actually own the first pack. It's my very favorite stationery that I own. My favorite sheets from it are the ones with the owl on them. Too Cute!! :) I bought them from the barnes and noble website.

      I also keep track of the letters I send out. I have a calendar that I got from Target this past summer. Every time I get a letter I put the persons name it came from on the day that the letter came. And then in the calendar there is another spot to write more out on the day and that is where I put who I've sent a letter to on that day. Plus I have a small notebook that has a page for each person I write that records the stationery I used for their letter. :)

      Hope you're having a good day. :)

    3. I haven't used any of the first pack yet, it will definitely be for special letters!

      I kind of like the calender, because then you could see in a glance what days you had gotten mail, whereas in the notebook you have to look through all the entries. I don't know if I could keep up with the calendar and the notebook like you do though!

  2. Oh, how cute! I have one of the dolls. Given to me several years ago by my daughter's boy friend. :) I think he gave me a short one 'cause he's tall and I'm not. :) Now I'm going to look for the notecards. Very pretty.

    1. You have one? I don't think I've ever seen one in person, but they look adorable! Haha maybe the short ones were cuter/prettier :)
