Saturday, January 7, 2012

More letters and paper cranes!

I got two more letters today, one from Marian in Pennsylvania (she has a blog Letters and Such) and one from Marilyn in California. Marilyn has some really pretty paper toys that you can print out at her website I've made several.Marian sent me a nice letter in a pretty envelope, and I loved the little drawings on Marilyn's!

So after staying up late one night with my sister making origami cranes, I have it memorized, and have made quite a few. They are easy to mail, too, because they fold flat. When my family and I were eating out recently, I picked up one of the paper napkin holder things and decided to try making an origami crane out of it. It was tiny, but came out good! There was a little boy and girl sitting at a table next to ours, so I gave each of them one. I made a total of 6 tiny cranes.
 There is a pretty good tutorial on how to make origami cranes on this website, and of course youtube has tutorials too.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia,
    I love your written correspondence project. I was going to suggest that you incorporate an interactive map on your page, and then I noticed the very hard to see dark blue tabs that read "Home-Objectives-Map"..and found your map. Might I suggest you consider changing the color from dark blue to something brighter? The dark blue honestly gets lost on the brown background.
